Direct Mail Marketing vs. Email Marketing


We’re in the digital age…

With over 75% of Americans having smartphones, it’s impossible to deny the grip and impact that technology has on our society. On their phones, people go through emails, text, pay bills, play games, scroll Instagram, FaceTime friends and family and the list goes on - that’s not even mentioning tablets and laptops! If one were to try to spark the attention of others, it would obviously be in the form of a digital advertisement - right?

Think again.

ROI is a big factor in determining the best method of marketing and advertising your products - wouldn’t you want to choose the marketing option that produces the greatest results for your company?

How about this:

Research from Forbes states, “direct mail’s response rates are actually anywhere from 10 to 30 times higher than that of digital.” That is an astounding number! Now imagine a digital marketing effort coupled with a direct mail marketing strategy - there is no way you can lose with the right messaging!

Along with this evidence of print material’s usefulness, Mediaspace Solutions provides a great 9 point outline of why to include direct mail to your overall marketing plan. Among others are the appeal to senses, increased trustworthiness and increasing ROI.

Check out this infographic to visibly see the effect of direct mail marketing!


from Direct Target Promotions


The evidence is clear - direct mail marketing isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s an extremely worthwhile marketing effort!

If you have any questions regarding your current direct mail marketing efforts, we would love to chat with you! We’ll make sure your mail piece catches the eye of your prospects and clients.

Curious about creating your own direct mail marketing campaign?  Anderberg Print is able to fulfill printing, die cutting, converting, inserting and mailing all from one location.  You dream it, we make it happen!  Ask us here!