3 Benefits of Customized Envelope Sealers


What if your direct mail piece was the only one which stood out from all of the others in the recipients mailbox?

These days, people are expecting items in their mailboxes to be generic, boring and thrown in the trash right away. One way to avoid the pitfall of having your direct mail campaign meet the same demise is to incorporate customized envelope sealers. With the potential to create a lasting and positive impact on its recipient, this small addition to your campaign could have a massive impact on the return you see from the mailing. Here are three specific ways you can benefit from using customized envelope sealers:

1. Enhance Brand Identity

Enhance the brand identity of your company by incorporating your logo, color palette, etc. into your custom envelope sealers. When you create a visually stunning envelope which includes clear messaging it will speak volumes about your company’s quality of work and service. Utilizing custom designed envelope sealers just might be the addition you are looking for in your direct mailing!

2. Commands attention

Feed curiosity and draw people into wanting to open your mailing by adding an envelope seal that is sure to command attention.  These unique seals can help your company’s direct mailing stand out in a usually cluttered mailbox filled with generic envelopes.  Another great idea is to include a promotion such as, “20% OFF coupon – inside!” printed on the sticker. Finding a unique way to invite people into opening your direct mailing may be a challenge, but worthwhile!


3. Easy sealing

Do you get sick of licking the seals of envelopes? You, me and 100% of the world’s population agrees there needs to be a better way to seal envelopes. Luckily, with self-seal options, you don’t have to lick any more envelopes - you only need to peel off the protective coating, and the envelope is ready to seal.  Easy! Another great benefit is the time saved - less time sealing the envelopes, and more time available for more important tasks.


  • You can also compliment your envelope seal with elegant sticker or wax stamps as well.

  • There are many different shapes to choose from to match your brand such as: round, square or die-cut designs.

  • Increase response rates and captivate your audience with more engaging and distinctive printed materials.  Get your seal printed by a professional commercial printer and get the perfect look for a great price with a quick turnaround.

Looking to take your direct mailing efforts to the next level? Take a look at our envelope and mailing capabilities, and contact us to get started on your print marketing projects!