COVID-19/Coronavirus Response

Hello from all of us at Anderberg Innovative Print Solutions,

As you are aware, Minnesota’s Governor, Tim Walz, issued an Executive Order on Wednesday, March 25th which directs all Minnesota residents to “Stay at Home” in response to the recent COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic. As of midnight on Friday, March 27th at 11:59pm through Friday, April 10th at 5:00 pm, this Executive Order went into effect and consequently affects local businesses.

As deemed by the Minnesota Government, the work Anderberg Innovative Print Solutions produces is considered “essential business” which means our print shop is remaining fully operational. We are continuing to operate under the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidelines during our operations.

We want you to know that we are still open for all of our customers and their needs.

To keep our employees safe, we are asking for only necessary visits from our customers and vendors. Since we are trying to have as many of our employees work from home, please schedule your visits before stopping in.

Our commitment to our community, customers, vendors and employees is of the utmost concern. Together we can get thru these difficult times!

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help during this difficult situation.

Stay Healthy,

The Anderberg’s